Features Back to Homepage Reader ¶ Supported feed formats: Atom 0.3/1.0, RSS 1.0/2.0, RDF, and JSON. OPML file import/export and URL import.Supports multiple enclosures/attachments (Podcasts, videos, music, and images). Plays videos from YouTube channels directly inside Miniflux. Categories and bookmarks. Fetches website icons (favicons). Saves articles to third-party services. Provides full-text search (Thanks to Postgres). Available in Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English (US), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Taiwanese POJ, Ukrainian, Spanish, and Turkish. Privacy ¶ Remove pixel trackers Fetch original links when the feed is coming from FeedBurner Open external links with the attributes rel="noopener noreferrer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"
Use the HTTP header Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
Image proxy to avoid mixed content warnings with HTTPS Play Youtube videos by using the domain youtube-nocookie.com
Supports alternative YouTube video players like Invidious Block external Javascript code to avoid tracking Content Manipulation ¶ Fetch original article and returns only relevant contents (Readability parser) Custom scraper rules based on CSS selectors Custom rewriting rules Regex filter to allow or block articles Override default user agent to bypass websites restrictions Option to allow self-signed or invalid certificates (disabled by default) Scrape YouTube’s website to get video duration as read time (disabled by default) User Interface ¶ Stylesheet optimized for readability Responsive design (works on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices) No fancy user interface Doesn’t require to download an application from Apple/Google Store You could add Miniflux to the home screen Keyboard shortcuts Touch events on mobile devices Themes:Light (Sans-Serif) Light (Serif) Dark (Sans-Serif) Dark (Serif) System (Sans-Serif) - Switch between Dark and Light themes according to system preferences System (Serif) Integration ¶ 25+ integrations with third-party services: Apprise , Betula , Cubox , Discord , Espial , Instapaper , LinkAce , Linkding , LinkWarden , Matrix , Notion , Ntfy , Nunux Keeper , Pinboard , Pocket , Pushover , RainDrop , Readeck , Readwise Reader , RssBridge , Shaarli , Shiori , Slack , Telegram , Wallabag , etc. Bookmarklet to subscribe to a website directly from any web browser Webhooks Use existing mobile applications to read your feeds by using the Fever or Google Reader API REST API with clients written in Go and Python Authentication ¶ Username/password Google (OAuth2) OpenID Connect Technical Stuff ¶ Self-hosted Written in Go (Golang) Compatible only with Postgresql There is no dependency, only a static binary All static files are bundled into the application binary using Golang embed package Supports Systemd sd_notify protocol Automatic HTTPS configuration with Let’s Encrypt Use your own SSL certificate Supports HTTP/2 if TLS is configured Feeds are updated in the background by an internal scheduler External content is sanitized before being displayed Uses a Content Security Policy that allows only application Javascript and block inline code and styles Support native lazy loading for images and iframes Works only in modern browsers Follows the Twelve-Factor App principle Official Debian/RPM packages and pre-built binaries Docker image is published automatically to Docker Hub and GitHub Registry (supports ARM architectures)