Filter, Rewrite and Scraper Rules

Feed Filtering Rules

Miniflux has a basic filtering system that allows you to ignore or keep articles.

Block Rules

Block rules ignore articles with a title, an entry URL, a tag or an author that match the regex (RE2 syntax).

For example, the regex (?i)miniflux will ignore all articles with a title that contains the word Miniflux (case insensitive).

Ignored articles won’t be saved into the database.

Keep Rules

Keep rules keep only articles that match the regex (RE2 syntax).

For example, the regex (?i)miniflux will keep only the articles with a title that contains the word Miniflux (case insensitive).

Global Filtering Rules

Global filters are defined on the Settings page and are automatically applied to all articles from all feeds.

Rule Format:


Available Fields:

Block Rules

Block rules ignores articles that match a single rule.

For example, the rule EntryTitle=(?i)miniflux will ignore all articles with a title that contains the word Miniflux (case insensitive).

Keep Rules

Keep rules will keep articles that match a single rule.

For example, the rule EntryTitle=(?i)miniflux will keep only the articles with a title that contains the word Miniflux (case insensitive).

Global Rules & Feed Rules Ordering

Rules are processed in this order:

  1. Global Block Rules
  2. Feed Block Rule
  3. Global Keep Rules
  4. Feed Keep Rule

Rewrite Rules

To improve the reading experience, it’s possible to alter the content of feed items.

For example, if you are reading a popular comic website like XKCD, it’s nice to have the image title (the alt attribute) added under the image. Especially on mobile devices where there is no hover event.

Tries to add the highest quality images from sites that use JavaScript to load images (e.g. either lazily when scrolling or based on screen size).
Tries to add embedded videos from sites that use JavaScript to load iframes (e.g. either lazily when scrolling or after the rest of the page is loaded).
Add each image's title as a caption under the image.
Insert Youtube video to the article (automatic for
Insert Youtube video to the article based on the video ID.
Insert Invidious player to the article (automatic for
Insert Invidious player to the article for Youtube feeds.
Insert Castopod episode player.
Insert mailto links subject into the article.
This rewrite rule decode base64 content. It can be used with a selector: base64_decode(".base64"), but can also be used without argument: base64_decode. In this case it'll try to convert all TextNodes and always fallback to original text if it can decode.
Convert new lines \n to <br> (useful for non-HTML contents).
Convert text link to HTML links (useful for non-HTML contents).
Attempt to fix Medium's images rendered in Javascript.
Use <noscript> content for images rendered with Javascript.
replace("search term"|"replace term")
Search and replace text.
remove(".selector, #another_selector")
Remove DOM elements.
Convert Markdown to HTML.
Remove any tables while keeping the content inside (useful for email newsletters).
Remove clickbait titles (Convert uppercase titles).
Rewrite rule to adjust entry titles.
Open HN comments with Hack.
Open HN comments with Opener.

Miniflux includes a set of predefined rules for some websites, but you could define your own rules.

On the feed edit page, enter your custom rules in the field “Rewrite Rules” like this:


Separate each rule by a comma.

Scraper Rules

When an article contains only an extract of the content, you could fetch the original web page and apply a set of rules to get relevant contents.

Miniflux uses CSS selectors for custom rules. These custom rules can be saved in the feed properties (Select a feed and click on edit).

CSS SelectorDescription
div#articleBodyFetch a div element with the ID articleBody
div.contentFetch all div elements with the class content
article, div.articleUse a comma to define multiple rules

Miniflux includes a list of predefined rules for popular websites. You could contribute to the project to keep them up to date.

Under the hood, Miniflux uses the library Goquery.

URL Rewrite Rules

Sometimes it might be required to rewrite an URL in a feed to fetch better suited content.

For example, for some users the URL displays a cookie consent dialog instead of the actual content and it would be preferred to fetch the URL instead.

The following rules does this:


This will rewrite all URLs from the original feed to URLs pointing to when the article content is fetched. I also had to add my own scraper rule, because the default rule will try to fetch #storytext.

Another example is the german page which splits the article into multiple pages. The full text can be read on

The URL rewrite rule for that would be
