RHEL Installation

This document describes how to install Miniflux on any RHEL-compatible Linux distributions such as RedHat, CentOS, RockyLinux, or AlmaLinux.

When you use the RPM package, the Miniflux daemon is managed by systemd.

Make sure to install and configure PostgreSQL before installing Miniflux.

RPM Package Installation

  1. Download the RPM package from the GitHub Releases page.
  2. Install the RPM package: rpm -ivh miniflux-2.0.13-1.0.x86_64.rpm.

How to Configure the RPM Repository

Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/miniflux.repo:

name=Miniflux Repository

Then install the package:

dnf install -y miniflux
The previous repository URL https://rpm.miniflux.app/x86_64/ is deprecated in favor of https://repo.miniflux.app/yum/.

Configure Miniflux

  1. Define the environment variable DATABASE_URL if necessary.
  2. Run the SQL migrations: miniflux -migrate, or set the variable RUN_MIGRATIONS=1 in /etc/miniflux.conf.
  3. Create an admin user: miniflux -create-admin.
  4. Customize your configuration file /etc/miniflux.conf if necessary.
  5. Enable the systemd service: systemctl enable miniflux.
  6. Start the process with systemd: systemctl start miniflux.
  7. Check the process status: systemctl status miniflux.

Systemd reads the environment variables from the file /etc/miniflux.conf. You must restart the service to apply any new values.

Make sure to review the list of configuration parameters to customize your installation.