Debian Installation

You must have Debian >= 8 or Ubuntu >= 16.04.

When using the Debian package, the Miniflux daemon is supervised by systemd.

Make sure to install and configure Postgresql before installing Miniflux.

Install Miniflux with the Debian package

  1. Download the Debian package from the GitHub Releases page.
  2. Install the Debian package: dpkg -i miniflux_2.0.13_amd64.deb

Install Miniflux from the APT Repository

You can configure APT to use Miniflux repository. To start, create a miniflux.list file in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. You will need sudo access to make these changes:

Here is a basic template for /etc/apt/sources.list.d/miniflux.list:

deb [trusted=yes] * *

Or run this one-liner:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/miniflux.list > /dev/null

Update the list of packages:

apt update

Then install the package:

apt install miniflux

To upgrade Miniflux, run apt upgrade miniflux, and don’t forget to run the database migrations.

The previous repository URL is deprecated in favor of

Configure Miniflux

  1. Define the environment variable DATABASE_URL in /etc/miniflux.conf
  2. Run the SQL migrations manually: miniflux -migrate, or set the variable RUN_MIGRATIONS=1 in /etc/miniflux.conf
  3. Create an admin user: miniflux -create-admin
  4. Restart the process: systemctl restart miniflux
  5. Check the process status: systemctl status miniflux

Since Miniflux v2.0.25, the Debian package is available for multiple architectures: amd64, arm64, and armhf. This way, it’s very easy to install Miniflux on a Raspberry Pi.

Systemd reads the environment variables from the file /etc/miniflux.conf. You must restart the service to take the new values into consideration.

Make sure to take a look at the list of configuration parameters to customize your installation.