Command Line Usage

Show Interpreted Configuration Values

miniflux -config-dump

Use a Configuration File

miniflux -config-file /etc/miniflux.conf


miniflux -c /etc/miniflux.conf

Create Admin User

miniflux -create-admin
Enter Username: root
Enter Password: ****

Enable Debug Mode

miniflux -debug
[INFO] Debug mode enabled
[INFO] Starting Miniflux...

Export feeds

miniflux -export-user-feeds username > feeds.opml

Flush All Sessions

miniflux -flush-sessions
Flushing all sessions (disconnect users)


Perform a health check on the given endpoint. The value “auto” try to guess the health check endpoint.

miniflux -healthcheck https://miniflux.domain.tld/healthcheck

Return 0 as exit code if successful otherwise returns 1.

Show Build Information

miniflux -info # or -i
Version: 2.0.15
Build Date: 2019-03-16T18:26:30-0700
Go Version: go1.12
Compiler: gc
Arch: amd64
OS: darwin

Run Database Migrations

export DATABASE_URL=replace_me

miniflux -migrate
Current schema version: 0
Latest schema version: 12
Migrating to version: 1
Migrating to version: 2
Migrating to version: 3
Migrating to version: 4
Migrating to version: 5
Migrating to version: 6
Migrating to version: 7
Migrating to version: 8
Migrating to version: 9
Migrating to version: 10
Migrating to version: 11
Migrating to version: 12

Refresh feeds

miniflux -refresh-feeds

Reset All Feed Errors

miniflux -reset-feed-errors

Reset User Password

miniflux -reset-password
Enter Username: myusername
Enter Password: ****

Run Cleanup Tasks

Delete old sessions and archives old entries.

miniflux -run-cleanup-tasks

Show Application Version

miniflux -version # or -v